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Different Problems with 1Password 3.6.5 and Safari 5.1

wiseguys Junior Member

[size=2]First of all: It's difficult for me to write in english; but The Problem is to heavy and I hope it can be solved in the next version. So I tried to describe my Problem with the new versions (Safari 5.1 and 1Password 3.6.5)[/size]

since I have Lion (I installed it on the day when it came out) I can't work with 1Password as I did it in the time before Lion.

[b][u]1. "Save Login"-Button[/u][/b]

I often use the "save this Login" Option, so I can fill all things in a form as I want and than I clicked the "Save Login" Button from 1Password Menu to store that in 1Password. This Option I can't find in 1Password Menu in Safari now. I need this Option particularly when there is a Website wich don't show me the "save" Button after Login.

[u][b]2. Option to set up the Title, Tags and comments on autosave[/b][/u]

When I login the first time to a website, and 1Password asked me to save the Login, I got an option to set up the title, some tags and a comment in former times. Now I can't set up comment and Tags. I only can setup the title.

Because of 1. and 2. together I can't maintain my database as I did it in former times.

[u][b]3. No "Fill in Login Data and send (Auto-Login)"[/b][/u]

I don't like that 1Password send the Data after it fills the fields. So I deactivated this Option in Preferences from 1Password (I add a Screenshot to this Post). But 1Password don't change it's behavior; When I select a Login from 1Password Menu in Safari "the RETURN Button will be pressed automatically"...

I hope you can help me with a new Version where this behavior is fixed. Or you can tell me what I did wrong. At the Moment I can't work with 1Password as I could the time before.

Kind Regards


  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi wiseguys,

    Please update to 1Password 3.7.5 (the latest, as of writing) and see if that helps with any of your concerns.
