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Need help creating new login in Safari

diitto Junior Member
It's been my experience in the past that if you need to update a login for whatever reason, that the only way to do so is to toss the old login such that 1P would ask you if you want to create a new login for this site when you try to login to the site the next time...

Well, I had an issue with my main bank login... I kept trying to get 1P extension to ask me if I wanted to save the login when I would next try to manually login to the site... I have a preference set to "ask to save new login"... But it never asks anything??? Why not???

I now tossed my almost but not quite working old login and apparently I can't get it back from the trash... I tried... And nor can I get Safari and the 1P extension to ask me if I want to save this login when I enter it manually??? (Do note, this is a site where you only enter the username (only) on one page and then the password on another so I've always had to enter the password manually...

But how can I get 1Password to save a new login that can at least get me to the password page automatically????

I admit to being very confused... Too many changes and too much info flying around... Time to get back to basics... How do I make a new login using the latest 1P, Safari 5.1 and Lion????

thanks... bob...


  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi Bob

    Please navigate to the site, fill in the relevant information, click the 1P button in your toolbar, and then click on the "+" in the upper right hand corner. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />