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Version issue

spsmyk Junior Member
Issue with a discrepancy in version. In 1Password, About shows 3.7.5 (Build 31106).

When launching Safari, warning says my version of 1Password 3.5.4 isn't supported.

Not sure of why the extension isn't finding the correct version of the application.

Thank you...


  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi spsmyk,

    Welcome to the forums.

    Do you have more than 1 copy of 1Password installed? It sounds like maybe that is what's going on. You can try to find out by doing a Spotlight search. If you press and hold the command / Apple key while mousing over the results it will give you the details.


  • Hi there,

    I'm having the same problem with the versions incorrectly reporting.

    When launching Safari, warning says my version of 1Password 3.5.9 isn't supported, but I am running version 3.7.5 of 1Password.

    It says agent not connected when I type in my master password to 1p. I have gone through all 7 steps recommended for Troubleshooting on the link that appears.

    in regards to the possibility there were multiple copies of 1Password installed, I found 2 applications: 1Password & 1PasswordAgent; is this the problem? If so, how do I fix it?
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    You should have both 1Password and 1PasswordAgent (though how that came up in a Spotlight search, I'm not sure). What I would suggest:

    1. Download 1Password from our web site:

    Click on the "Download Now" button under "1Password 3"

    2. Quit your web browser and 1Password, if it's running

    3. Drag the newly downloaded version of 1Password to the same location as any previous one -- replacing it

    4. Run 1Password and unlock it. Open 1Password > Preferences > Browsers and click on the button to install the Safari extension.

    5. Once completed, try relaunching Safari.

    Your information is stored in a data file separate from the application, so it will not be harmed by this procedure.
  • This worked. Thank you!

    Wow, this new version sure is more cumbersome to use <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' /> The last version was much slicker.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Thanks for the update, ReneeT. Could you describe how you find the new extension more cumbersome? The steps to Login remain the same: click the 1P button in the toolbar then select your Login. Alternatively you can simply press Command-\ on your keyboard if speed and efficiency are paramount. Again, this is the same as the old extension.

    Please let me know how it goes. We are always here to help!
