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1Password opens a new window rather than a new tab when using shortcut [FIXED by upgrading to FF6 an

currimc Junior Member

I'm running 1password 3.7.5 on OS X 10.7 and trying to figure out how I can get the shortcut with autosubmit to open a new tab instead of a new browser session. If I go into Firefox and check the option for 'open new windows in new tabs' then I get this behavior, but other sites don;t work properly. The functionality I'm looking for is as follows:

1. I open a new browser tab

2. I use my 1Password shortcut key to jump to a specific login

3. One password goes to the appropriate url and does the auto-submit in the tab I opened rather than opening a new browser window

Is there any way to do this in FF 5 without selecting the option for 'open new windows in a new tab instead'?



  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi currimc,

    Welcome to the forums, and sorry for the late reply.

    I've been trying to figure this one out. My setup is slightly different from yours but I haven't been able to reproduce the issue you described. I'm running the latest beta version of the extension for Firefox, so possibly this is fixed in the next version? Let me know if this is still an issue for you after updating to the next release.


  • currimc
    currimc Junior Member
    I just upgraded to 3.8 Beta 1 and still the same issue. Something definitely changed as I didn't see this behavior until I upgraded to OS X 10.7.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Hey currimc,

    I have to be honest. I am a little unclear as to what the issue is. Could you tell me what you steps you are taking, what you are expecting to happen, and what is actually happening?

    Also, what version of Firefox are you using? Or are you referring to a different browser?

    Please let me know. I would love to resolve this.

  • currimc
    currimc Junior Member
    ok...first I'll describe the behavior that I used to have and that I currently want. Note that this works just fine in Safari. I'm only having issues with FF.

    1. I already have a FF browser session open. I open a new tab in that browser session.

    2. Within the new tab, I use the shortcut 1-password key combination to jump to a website (let's say it's the apple developer site with login)

    3. Instead of using that current tab to jump to the site and submit my login (un/pw) data, it launches a new FF window (not a new tab, but an entirely new FF session) and goes to the site, submitting the un/pw

    So, in short, each time I use the 1password shortcut, it keeps launching new browser windows to take me to the respective sites. In FF, if I set the option for 'open new windows in a new tab instead', then it works fine, but i get undesired behavior for other sites I use. Moreover, I never had to use this option in the past and I don't have to use it in Safari either.

    The behavior I want is:

    1. Open a new browser tab within an already open session.

    2. Use 1 Password shortcut key combo and the current tab I'm in (the new tab) is used to goto that site and auto submit the un/pw

    This is exactly the way it works for me in Safari

    As mentioned before, I'm running OS X 10.7 with FF version 5.0.1
  • Gilles9
    Gilles9 Senior Member

    I had this issue with a previous version of 1P

    It is in a forum hère somewhere

    I think that un-installing the extension, and re-installing did it

    But I am unsure

    If this may help
  • currimc
    currimc Junior Member
    Just uninstalled and re-installed. Still same behavior. This is getting a bit frustrating. I had moved away from LastPass to go with 1Password and if this doesn't get resolved soon, I think I may switch back.
  • currimc
    currimc Junior Member
    Just upgraded to FF6 and installed the new 1password beta. Everything works like a charm!
  • Hey currimc,

    Excellent news! Thanks for updating the thread.


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