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Where can I send sites that don't work properly in 1Password

Is there an easy way to notify Agile when I encounter sites where 1Password can't put in the username and password or personal info or credit card (e.g. or sites where it can put them in, but then I get error messages when I press "Place My Order" ( - NY Times digital order page - note that cut and paste works, but not entering via 1Password plugin in Safari 4 or 5 or Chrome or Firefox on Mac). 1PW 3.6.5, Snow Leopard.

If I had an easy way, I'd let you know more often, so you can improve the product.



  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, donbkatz! Here in the forums is the perfect place to post URLs you are having trouble with. First, though, I would recommend updating your browsers and 1Password to the latest versions — Safari 5.1, Chrome 13.0.782.112, Firefox 5.0.1, and 1Password 3.7.5 at the time of this writing — before posting in the future.

    I will pass those URLs along to the developers since I can reproduce the problems even in the latest versions.

    We will try to resolve this in a future update. Please let me know if there is anything else I can help with in the meantime.
