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Can't install Google Chrome browser extension

I downloaded the 1Password Windows trial and I'm having a hard time getting it working with Chrome. I've got Chrome installed (13.0.782.112) and the latest 1Password ( When I open up the preferences and go to 'Browsers' the "Google Chrome" checkbox is unchecked. I can check the box and hit ok, but nothing happens.

Is this a limitation of the trial?



  • DBrown
    edited August 2011
    Welcome to the forum, ngerakines!

    When you say "nothing happens," do you mean that literally, or do you mean that the 1Password "key" tool still doesn't show up in the Chrome toolbar, the next time you launch Chrome?
  • [quote name='DBrown' timestamp='1313201986' post='38914']

    When you say "nothing happens," do you mean that literally, or do you mean that the 1Password "key" tool still doesn't show up in the Chrome toolbar, the next time you launch Chrome?


    Well, two things that I expect to happen don't happen:


    [*]The checkbox in the preferences -> "Browsers" area shows the chrome browser checkbox as unchecked.

    [*]The chrome 1Password extension is not installed.

  • I'm having a similar issue - 1Password for Windows and Google Chrome 13.0.782.112. What happened is that by mistake I unchecked the checkbox for Google Chrome in the Preferences->Browsers panel, and it uninstalled the extension. However, if I return to the dialog, the checkbox appears still checked yet there is no installed extension (no key button on my toolbar nor does 1P appear in about:plugins.) Since 1Password appears to think that the extension is already installed, it doesn't attempt to install it again and I'm stuck.
  • I managed to get the 1P extension reinstalled into Chrome by uninstalling Chrome, deleting my Chrome profile, reinstalling Chrome and then running 1P.
  • Thanks for letting us know, Manuel!
  • I'm having the exact same problem. Any way to get around it without the delete-reinstall trick?
  • Abyss
    Abyss Junior Member
    I had the exact same problem two weeks ago in [url=""]this topic here[/url]. The only way I found to fix it is to uninstall Chrome and delete my profile and everything related to Chrome as Manuel did, it sucked losing all my defined cookie rules. This is something that needs to be looked into. I went back to Firefox because of it, it's too much hassle to have this happen in Chrome again.
  • I have the exact same problem. Running the latest non-beta version of Chrome and 1Password. How can I fix this without uninstalling and reinstalling Chrome?
  • Welcome to the forum, John!

    I'm not able to reproduce the problem, and the two people who've posted here that they've seen the problem have solved it as they've described above.

    I'm sorry not to have a more satisfying answer for you.