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1P Safari extension 3.7 not working

I'm running Safari 5.1 on Snow Leopard 10.6.8. I've been using the beta version of 1P Safari extension (updating automatically), and as of version 3.7 it is no longer working.

A very fine and dandy red label tells me "Unknown error". Well, that's just great. I've restarted Safari three times, still no changes. So, if any wiz at Agilebits would come to rescue it would be much appreciated. Cuz I'm stuck here.

Also, why does this keep popping up in a new tab all the time? I've red it about six time now. I think that is sufficient.

Starting to feel a little bit aggravated!

Hoping for a quick fix here as I am using 1Password all the time. I was anyway.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, Enigma! I'm sorry that you are having this problem. I'd love to get this resolved for you.

    You didn't mention what version of the 1Password application you are using. Please be sure you are running 1Password 3.7.5 or later along with version 3.7 or later of the Safari extension (which you indicated you are).

    Then try restarting the agent in 1Password ([b]Help > Troubleshooting > Restart Agent[/b]).

    If that doesn't do the trick, [url=""]remove the extension[/url] and then [url=""]reinstall it according to the steps in the User Guide[/url]. Each step is important (especially if you have been having trouble), so please follow the guide carefully.

    I hope that helps. Please let me know.
