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Missing features from 1Password for iPad (that are already in 1Password for iPhone)

I own 1Password for the iPhone and for the Mac.

Today I purchased 1Password for iPad but after I synced and using it, I was very disappointed.

Compared to the iPhone version, 1Password for iPad does not contain:

- Missing: An easy 4-digit unlock code with auto-lock time, that made the sync from the Mac to the iPhone very easy

- Missing: Generated passwords section

- Missing: The ability to create new password

- Missing: A dedicated 'lock' button under 'Settings'

- Missing: The 'Lock now' button under security settings

- Missing: Reset master password

- Missing: Sort by 'Title' or 'Domain' under 'Logins'´

- Missing: Folders

- Missing: Reset database

- Reverted: Sorting order in the 'Logins' section. Logins beginning with numbers are at the end of the list on the iPhone but at the beginning on the iPad

- Too small: The notes field extents to the complete content on the iPhone and the whole screen can bescrolled. On the iPad its small and you need to scroll inside the small field

- Missing: Online help

Sigh ... please ...


  • When taking a look at the iTunes Store at 1Password Pro screenshots there are 'Favorites' and something else under 'Wallet'.

    But these items are shown on the screenshots for the iPad version, too.

    I didn't see them when using 1Password for iPad.

    Is there a difference between the iPad and the Pro version after all and will ever be?
  • Sorry to hear you're disappointed with 1Password on the iPad, there is definitely more we need to add and in fact we're currently working on a major overhaul for both our iPhone and iPad apps.

    [quote]- Missing: An easy 4-digit unlock code with auto-lock time, that made the sync from the Mac to the iPhone very easy[/quote]

    The unlock code was put in place on the iPhone because of the smaller virtual keyboard, having to type your master password every time to unlock 1Password on the iPhone would be cumbersome. The same isn't as much of a concern on the iPad because of the much improved keyboard.

    We are looking into some options for this, but 1Password on the iPad will retain a single point of unlock, the master password.

    [quote]- Missing: Generated passwords section

    - Missing: The ability to create new password[/quote]

    These are both on our radar for the major update, we want to make 1Password on both the iPhone and iPad much easier to use in a 'standalone' situation.

    [quote]- Missing: A dedicated 'lock' button under 'Settings'

    - Missing: The 'Lock now' button under security settings[/quote]

    Both planned for the major update

    [quote]- Missing: Reset master password[/quote]

    Because the iPad interface only has the one level of unlock there's just a 'Change Master Password' option under Settings > Security. 'Reset Master Password' on the iPhone will wipe out any entries protected by the master password, as opposed to those that just require the unlock code, and let you set a new password.

    On the iPad, if you forget your master password you'll have to delete the app and reinstall.

    [quote]- Missing: Folders[/quote]

    Folders are going to get some love in both versions, we know a lot of people use these, particularly smart folders (one of my favourite features) and so we have plans to make them accessible on the iPad as well as massively improving how they appear on the iPhone.

    [quote]- Too small: The notes field extents to the complete content on the iPhone and the whole screen can bescrolled. On the iPad its small and you need to scroll inside the small field[/quote]

    This is something we need to improve, I agree, and I know we have some great plans on how to do this.

    [quote]- Missing: Online help[/quote]

    It's not linked directly in the app but our user-guide for 1Password on the iPad is [url=""]available here[/url].

    [quote]Is there a difference between the iPad and the Pro version after all and will ever be?[/quote]

    That's our fault, I'm sorry, originally we'd hoped to have some more features available in 1Password on the iPad, but we wanted to have the app ready for day one of the iPad launch and so some things were left out. As I mentioned, we hope to bring feature parity and more between the two apps in our upcoming update.
  • Omen
    Omen Junior Member
    Hi Stu,

    As a new, first-time iPad owner and 1P Pro owner, I appreciate your information about 1P for the iPad. After purchasing some frankly jaw-dropping apps for my iPad 2, I admit I was fairly underwhelmed by 1P for the iPad. I'm pleased to know that there are future enhancement plans for the iPad app.

  • You're welcome, Michael, we're really excite about the next generation of 1Password for iOS apps.
  • I am so excited to see the updates to 1Password for the iPad!! I will be patient...or at least I will try. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';-)' /> Judy
  • Thanks for your patience, Judy! While there isn't anything to announce just yet, keep in touch. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • Carl
    Carl Just Me
    - Missing: Generated passwords section

    This one really needs to get addressed soon for the iPad app
  • eroux
    eroux Junior Member
    [quote name='Carl' timestamp='1316017278' post='48911']- Missing: Generated passwords section

    This one really needs to get addressed soon for the iPad app[/quote]

    Indeed... I know I can get up and move it in sections on my Mac, but then I might as well call it quits on both the iPhone and iPad apps.

    Mailing a generated password from my iPhone to myself just so I can get to it on my iPad is really... suboptimal. Not to mention damned annoying.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Also suboptimal but perhaps slightly more convenient until we get this added:

    Use the Accounts section and create a new Generic Account. There is an option to generate a password there. Then cut and paste the generated password wherever you need it.