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Safari 5.1 Extension: Constant updates causing confusion

diitto Junior Member
First, let me say that I have used and loved 1Password since you guys first brought it out (or at least since early on?)... It's one of my favorite and most useful apps...

However, since Lion and the new Safari extension, I've been moving backward on an almost release by release pace... And as you know, you put out at least a new Beta release almost every day... I like helping with the Beta testing, thus my reason for choosing to be involved... However, I am now starting to get so lost I am not even able to ask intelligent questions any more...

Because I was having so much trouble getting logins to complete in Safari I even switched over to Firefox as my default browser for a few days... But Safari makes pdfs so much more reliably than does Firefox and I make pdfs every day that I finally punted on that and said I must return to Safari as my default...

So I'm back to that and I am noticing that I lose more and more logins (as far as them being able to functionally open secure websites for me) almost every day...

I'm not asking a specific question here (I could as I just lost one more previously workable login since last night's update but I won't) because instead this is more of a cry for help in general... I am more than happy to redo my logins one at a time (I have about 30 total) to make them work better with the new Lion OS and the new Safari Extension but I need to have a concise, here's how you do it procedure... One big question out of the gate is do I need to delete old logins from the same site before building a new one... I found in the past that if I didn't do that, 1Password would just see the old login and not attempt to offer me the chance to save a new one... So I got in the habit of tossing old... But now even that doesn't always prompt 1P to prompt me to save a new one...

So just color me confused... I will happily dedicate an afternoon to walking through a careful tutorial but need one, not ten... Just point me to the one place where if I follow the following steps for the new 1P running under Lion and with the new Safari Extension, and I will give it my best...

Please share your thoughts... thanks... bob...


  • Hello Bob,

    I do understand your frustration, and since Lion's release (and before the official release too), there have been plethora of updates and changes to the 1Password OS X application and to the Safari 5.1 extension.

    Primarily due to Apple's decision to prohibit ScriptingAdditions mid-way through Safari 5.1's development, we found ourselves in the position of having to work quickly to have a quasi-functional extension ready for Lion's release date. As you may have surmised, we were able to achieve the goal of releasing a "functional" extension, but the extension was materially different from that included for the Safari 5.0 browser.

    Consequently, the last month and a half have seen a furious pace of updates to both the 1P app and to the Safari extension. In some cases, we released more than one per day. We decided that pushing functionality updates quickly outweighed the anticipated confusion that would be caused by doing so. All of that being said, the end result is additional functionality at the price of frequent confusion among users as to what is the "latest and greatest".

    When encountering a "it used to work in Safari 5.0" situation, personally, I first go the the following help page: [url=""]Troubleshooting Safari 5.1[/url]

    Regarding your specific question related to re-saving logins, please review the detailed instructions listed here: [url=""]A Login used to work, now it doesn’t[/url]

    I do understand your situation more than you likely believe, and I can promise you that we are working very diligently to smooth the process as much as possible. I appreciate your comments stating that you do understand, but we are dedicated to alleviating any further aggravation on your part.

    Thank you for posting your comments, and please continue to let us know if you have any additional questions.

