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Safari extensions need to be enabled in order to use 1Password in Safari

Since upgrading to version 3.7.5 of 1 Password the Password button does not appear in my Safari toolbar. I have followed all the instructions for correcting this to no avail. Some of the instructions cannot be followed, as they sometimes conflict with what I see on the screen.


  • This is strange, Bill, can you tell me the version of Safari you have installed right now by going to Safari > About Safari?
  • I have Safalri 5.1 installed, it worked correctly until I upgraded to version 3.7.5 of 1Paassword. When I attempt to reinstall the extension it says extensions are disabled. They are in fact enabled. But I am unable to see the extensions that are installed.
  • Extensions were disabled. Seems you have to click OFF to enable them. Reinstalled the safari exstension and button now appears in toolbar.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Thanks for the update, billraiain. You do indeed need to have extensions enabled in Safari in order to use the 1Password Safari extension. The switch needs to be in the ON position like this:


    If we can be further assistance, please let us know.

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