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Why has the Safari interface changed so much.

mrwallyg Junior Member
So I downloaded the latest update and you guys are pulling a Microsoft trick.. totally change the way the product works after having had it work the same way for practically years. C'mon, stop doing stupid stuff like that and quit trying to "make it better"! What's wrong with right clicking on a web page and selecting the login to use with the mouse? One click, select, one click. Now I have to right click and another dialog box comes up for my password AND/OR I have to select from a menu of stuff in a window somewhere else on the page. Click... Click... Click. I thought I has escaped the IT department idiocy where I work with your product, but apparently not. Now let's get this think back to where it was and let new crap be an option.


  • I'm sorry to hear you're not happy with the new extension interface. We've discussed why this has changed many times in the forums already, so please to take a look around to get some more information.

    Because of major changes in Safari 5.1 we decided to move our Safari integration to a native Safari extension which is built on standard HTML, CSS and JavaScript rather than using tools like scripting additions which seem to be 'on their way out'. We've tried to bring back as much functionality from the previous extension as we can and we have [url=""]guide to the new extension[/url] available to help you see what's changed.

    Contextual (right-click) menus are possible in the new Safari extensions API, but they are nowhere near as flexible as our form method and so we're looking into what functionality we can bring back in that regard. The Command + \ and Command + Option + \ keyboard shortcuts still work as normal, with Command + \ filling and submitting a Login if there's just one for the site you're on.

    We're not going back to the old extension, pushing forward with the new technology means we'll have a much more robust codebase for our extensions, we can share the same code across Safari, Chrome and Firefox which means that new features and improvements can be rolled out at across all browsers easily. It also means we can support newer versions of Firefox, Safari and Chrome much sooner than before.