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Safari 5.1 cannot load extension

Hi everyone,

I apologise if this turns out to be a repeat of other posts.

I am running Safari 5.1 (6543-50) with 1Password 3.7.5 build 31106 on Snow Leopard on a 2008 MacBookPro.

I cannot "enable" the Safari extension from 1Password clicking merely takes me to a blank page in Safari.

The messages in Console tell me:

1Password Agent [519] Trying to load Localizable.strings [English] from the main bundle

Cannot find English version, using English localisation for Localizable.strings

(Information) Safari v5.1 extension disabled: unsupported browser bundle version '6534.50', only

6533-6534 are supported

I have reloaded Safari and other suggestions made in the forums and in Mac Discussions but still no joy.

The problem is making CarbonCopyCloner and the mac Backups hang and I have to do many hard shutdowns every day.

I think I am starting to go slightly nuts after a couple of weeks trying to fix this.

I assume it's the Safari update that's causing it but do any of you Technological Wizards know what to do please please?

Any help at all would be really appreciated.




  • Hello bruf and welcome to the Forums!

    The Console messages you are seeing are normal, although I understand why you would believe otherwise.

    To be sure that we are troubleshooting your issue using our latest extension, please ensure that you are running our latest version of the 1Password application and our Safari extension: 3.8.0.BETA-2 & 3.7, respectively.

    In addition, please uninstall/reinstall the Safari extension using the following steps:

    1. Launch Safari

    2. Go to the Safari Menu > Preferences > Extensions

    3. Select the 1Password extension and click “Uninstall”

    4. Quit Safari and launch 1Password

    5. Go to Help > Troubleshooting > Restart Agent

    6. Go to the 1Password Menu > Preferences > Browsers

    7. Click the “Install Safari Extension” button and when prompted, click “Install”

    Make sure automatic updates for extensions are enabled under Preferences > Extensions > Updates and Quit and Discard Windows ( ⌘⌥Q on Lion) to restart Safari completely. Also, you may need to unlock 1Password to get your data to sync with Safari initially.

    I hope this will resolve your issue, but please let us know if you continue to experience this behavior.

