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Go & Fill window not showing up in Firefox anymore

The Go & Fill window function has stopped working in Firefox (ie, it does not open up in Firefox when keyboard shortcuts are used). It still opens up in Safari.

It stopped working last week. Not sure what could have triggered it. There was a 1Password beta update that I installed. I haven't done any system updates in the last week. There have been a few other program of them was a TextExpander update. Not sure if this could have any impact. I do have some Firefox extensions, but these have not been updated/changed in the last several weeks.

I'm using Firefox 4.01, Safari 5.01, System 10.6.7.

I was using latest 1Password beta version, reverted to latest not beta version 3.75. Reinstalled the browser extensions. Changed the Go & Fill keyboard commands, Still no Go & Fill window opens up in Firefox. Still works fine in Safari.

Any ideas on how to get the Go & Fill to work again if Firefox? Should I upgrade to Firefox 5?


  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi Pardiano,

    Firefox 6 is officially out. I'd recommend upgrading. Please see this blog post for more details:

