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Multiple folders after Dropbox


I'm a relatively new user of 1Password, after using Web Confidential for a decade. I've recently had some form of corruption of my 1Password database, which has symptoms of multiple empty folders with identical names, that I can delete for about 3 seconds before the deleted folder magically re-appears in my folder list.

Here is the sequence of my interactions with 1Password:

1) install it on my Mac

2) import a text file containing the exported Web Confidential information

- this created a folder titled "Web Conf", containing subfolders of some categories

3) create some folders, such as: Online Banking, Credit Cards, Web Forms, etc.

4) begin moving the imported Web Conf cards into these newly created folders

5) edit some of the Text fields in the 1Password cards

at this point, everything appeared operational, and no strange behavior occurred. I continued to use 1Password on my Mac only, updating cards on an ad hoc basis, adding an Email field, etc.

6) several days later, enabled Dropbox on my work desktop, laptop and home desktop

7) used the 1Password preference to store my database files on Dropbox

I could see the database from my other computers, and access the various 1Password cards

after a couple of days, the "Web Conf" folder was empty, along with the sub-folders created during my import. However, I opened 1Password at some point soon thereafter, only to find 2-3 "Web Conf" folders, along with multiples of the sub-folders.

deleting any of these lasts for only a few seconds, before the deleted folder re-appears.

I've tried moving my Agile keychain back to the standard location in my home directory library folder on my desktop at home. when opened, it still displays the odd multiple folder problems.

any suggestions??


  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi almage

    Welcome to the forums! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> Sorry for the delayed reply.

    Please try clearing your cache and rebuilding the data file. These can be done from the 1Password Help > Troubleshooting menu bar.

    Let us know how it turns out.


  • Thanks Ben,


    Please try clearing your cache and rebuilding the data file. These can be done from the 1Password Help > Troubleshooting menu bar.


    been there, done that. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';-)' />

    the punchline to this thread is that I believe now my symptoms were caused by the 3.7.5 Safari Plugin. I'm now running v3.8.1 build 31115 of 1Password, without the Safari extension, or any browser extension, enable or installed.

    I saw the conclusion in some other threads that the symptoms I was experiencing were caused by the v3.7.5beta Safari 5.1 extension, so I'm hoping this is so. I'll run 1Password 3.8.x for a while without the extension, then do a "safety" export, and try out the extension. I really hope it proceeds as intended as for me, the browser integration is what I believe gives 1Password the edge over my long-time password management solution. Dare I say it? Web Confidential shhh!!!

    anyway, thanks, and I'll keep in touch.


    - I've managed to reload data from interchange files I selectively exported from one of my backup files

    - the database appears stable at the moment, anyway

    Failures during v3.7.5:

    - removed all 1Password file/folders I could find (application, Library/App Support/1Password, Library/Preferences/, etc.). Opened newly installed copy of 1Password v3.7.5, and opened a new data file. Entries from previous data files began to populate the database, without my interaction. I could sit and watch the number of items climb, into the hundreds

    - folders replicated, without apparent content. folders would regenerate within heartbeats when deleted

    - my database grew from about 400 items to over 1200 items. appeared to be three copies of almost everything.
  • Hey almage,

    Thanks for updating the thread. I hope your 3.8.1 experience is more enjoyable than the 3.7.5 tour.

    Please do keep in touch and let us know how it works for you.


  • Thanks guys!

    I'll certainly keep in touch. Overall, I enjoy many aspects of the User Interface, and look forward to extending to syncing my database on multiple computers via Dropbox, and then I'll brave trying the current Browser Extensions - but not without complete backups of my database <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';-)' />

  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    1Password does make automatic backups as well (File > Restore Data File from Backup). You can change the settings for this under 1Password > Preferences > Backup.