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Username and Password not in database

djshack Junior Member
I'm using the up-to-date betas of the Safari extension and 1P app under Lion. I've noticed (yet another) issue (which is making me want to switch back to LastPass).

When I save a new login via the Safari extension, the login does not show in the 1P app. I've tried exiting and reloading, deleting preference files, and rebuilding the database. Oddly enough, the login DOES continue to show (even after locking and restarting) in the Safari extension. For the life of me, I cannot get the new ones to show in 1P however.

It seems that something is out of sync between the Safari extension and the 1P app, which is quite odd, given they both use the same database. I've also tried clearing the app's caches.

Any ideas? I'm growing more and more frustrated here with this Lion debacle.


  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi djshack,

    Sorry for the delayed reply. They don't actually technically use the same database. They are supposed to automagically sync, but sometimes that doesn't happen right. This is usually fixed by reinstalling the extension:

    [url=""]Extension Data Does Not Match the Main Application[/url]


  • Whenever I create a new username and password at a new website, the username/password does not show up in logins within 1Password. The username and password do however show up and work when I click on the 1P within Safari.

    Why can I not see the login information within 1Password so I can view or edit the information?
  • Hello bsallas and welcome to the Forums!

    I hope you don't mind, but I merged your topic with a similar thread.

    Please review Ben's comments and let us know if you still experience the same behavior after trying his suggestion.

