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Support SSN or notes storage in Identities

I like the concept of identities. I use them less for filling it sites and more for simply referencing private information on family members. I realize your focus is online identities, but it'd be helpful to have SSN in there. Technically, it should be a masked field. Another option would simply be a notes field so a user can add whatever other information is pertinent, things like insurance numbers, etc.

It makes keeping track of your kid's private info a lot easier when you can carry it around with you but not worry about someone getting there hands on it.




  • Nevermind, I see SSN has it's own specific entry. Still, it seems like it'd make more sense to tie together Identities with SSN, Driver's License, etc. That way you see all the information about a person in one place. You could use a folder I guess, but that's a little kludgy.
  • As I've posted in another topic, today, I long to have all my personal information stored in a single location. Again, I admit that's at least partly because it felt so natural to have it done that way in the competing product from which I came to 1Password for Mac.

    The idea of tying separated items together, somehow, is an interesting alternative that I hope the developers will consider in some future version.