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1Password Safari extension doesn’t logout when restarting Safari [Controlled by Universal Unlock Set

If I fill in the password to the Safari extension once, it will be unlocked after restarting Safari. So everyone could use my passwords. I didn’t find out if this issue is already known. But it is very important to fix it!

Mac OS X Lion

Safari 5.1



  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi heldausberlin,

    It sounds like you may have Universal Unlock enabled. First make sure sure both 1Password and the Safari extension are updated (latest versions as of writing are 3.7.5 for 1Password and 3.7 for the extension.

    Please try this: open the Safari extension, click the settings tab (the bottom one that looks like a gear), and uncheck "Enable Universal Unlock."


  • Hi Ben,

    thanks. That’s it. I didn’t change this setting so I wondered. So it’s not a bug, just a feature. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />)
  • Hey heldausberlin,

    On behalf of Ben, you are very welcome!

    You hit the nail on the head! It is a feature vs. a bug.


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