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Getting 1 "Confirm your subscription to the Agile Web Solutions newsletter" every 3 minutes


Since the email support is rather swamped at the moment and we're being directed here:

I bought 1Password for Mac & PC yesterday evening (great program!!) and have since gotten that "Confirm your subscription to the Agile Web Solutions newsletter" email from every 3 minutes since. It reads as follows (special links removed):

[indent=1][color=#008000]Thanks for your interest in the Agile Web Solutions newsletter![/color]

[/indent][indent=1][color=#008000]This newsletter will bring you monthly updates on 1Password, Knox, and AllBookmarks.[/color][/indent] [indent=1][color=#008000]Please click the link below to confirm your subscription:[/color][/indent][indent=1][color=#008000][snip][/color]

[/indent][indent=1][color=#008000]If you do not wish to subscribe, please simply ignore this e-mail.[/color][/indent] [indent=1][color=#008000]Dave Teare,[/color][/indent][indent=1][color=#008000]Founder[/color][/indent] [indent=1][color=#008000]---[/color][/indent][indent=1][color=#008000]If you subscribed in error, click the link below and you will be instantly removed from the list:[/color][/indent][indent=1][color=#008000][snip][/color]

I've used the unsubscribe link in it about 15 times so far, and land on a Thank You page at [url=""][/url] saying it has worked --

[/indent][indent=1][color=#008000]Thank You[/color][/indent][indent=1][color=#008000]You have been successfully removed from this subscriber list. You[/color]

[color=#008000]will no longer hear from us.[/color]

-- but the emails continue. I even tried using the accept the subscription link and then unsubscribing to see if it'd stop, but no luck.

If someone could check out what is up, or just tell the automated job behind the Agile Web Solutions newsletter confirmation that I'm good -- no subscription please -- that would be excellent. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

Again -- fantastic product in 1Password for both the Mac and the PC side.

Thank you again for your help in this matter.




  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    I'm very sorry about the trouble with this sagashi. Could you please send me a private message with the email address you used to purchase 1Password? I'll have our people look into this for you as soon as I have the email address.

    On a lighter note, welcome to the forums!


  • Thanks -- will do!
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Thanks. Got your email. I passed this on to the folks that can help. Hopefully they will be online soon. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • dteare
    dteare Agile Founder
    I'm sorry for the trouble; I'm not sure why this is happening. I removed your email from CampaignMonitor and hopefully that fixes the issue.

    Please let us know if it helps.
  • Thanks for the help in getting that all cleared up -- the repeats stopped at 10:15 my time this morning. Just got back and sent off some additional email header information requested and heard back from the others who assisted. Thank you to you and your team for such a speedy resolution!
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Thank you for helping us track it down. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />