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Syncing Gives Me A Sinking Feeling

I am sitting at my desk right now with my iMac open and my iPad sitting in from of me. I am sure this is probably a user error, but this user hasn't

been able to figure it out yet. I have Dropbox on my iMac, and also on my iPad 2, iPod Touch, and Evo Shift Android phone. Similarly, I have 1Password on all my devices. I have not had a problem syncing from my iPod Touch or my Android phone, but on by iPad, I am struggling. I am seeing an error message as follows:

Master Password was incorrect. Please tap account and enter the Master Password you used on Mac or PC. Please note this password can be different than the password used for DropBox, iPhone, or iPad.

I have tried both my 1Password Master Password and my DropBox Password. They work to get into 1Password on all my devices, but when I put either of those in as my Master Password in DropBox Sync, I get the error message above.

The significance of this for me is that right now there is info on my iMac 1Password that I have needed but doesn't reside on my iPad. I needed this info twice today when I was away from home. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • Hey there, smudgeyjoe! I am sorry you are having this problem. It is important to make a distinction between the different passwords at play here.

    During the Dropbox setup process, 1Password will ask for specific passwords: Dropbox account username and password, the Master Password for 1Password on your iPad, and also the Master Password for the 1Password data stored in Dropbox (which is of course the one you set in 1Password on your Mac).

    I hope this helps. Please let me know how it turns out. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />