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Launch application


There's only one feature missing in 1password that stops us from moving away from KeePass, where we have written our own plugin, that is the possibility to launch an ftp application directly from the GUI.

This is how I would do it. In the preferences of 1password, add two fields one where you let the user pick application and the another field for application arguments with a special syntax for the stored fields, ex. "%username%:%password%@%host%" . And if those fields are filled out and the stored account is an ftp account show a "Launch ftp application"-button under that account.


  • Stefan von Dutch
    Stefan von Dutch Community Moderator
    I assume those "fields" you're referring to are passed to the application via the command-line? (are actually command-line arguments?)
  • Welcome to the forum, nilzen, and thanks for the suggestion!
  • Yes I meant as command line/startup arguments, if you fork a new process for Filezilla.exe you can pass the host and username/password as arguments and it connects to the ftp-site on startup.

    How are you developing, is there some kind of cycle where you add new features? If so, when can one expect this feature, if you like it? <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />
  • It's our policy not to cite dates for specific features or releases, nilzen.

    We're a small team, things have a way of arising that divert resources, and we don't want to disappoint our users by missing some arbitrary and self-imposed deadline.

    Thanks again for the suggestion.