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1P for Firefox 6 visual bug and requested feature

webjive Junior Member
Great job on getting FF6 switched over to the JS model like Safari and Chrome!!

I just updated to b3.8 for FF6 and noticed a visual bug in the 1P password box (attached image) with it not being wide enough for some titles.

Feature request: Also, could you please add a feature to where we could have 1P automatically fill in information and NOT auto-submit when it does? This would save a lot of time since I have that turned off because it can get you locked out of some systems when auto submitting incorrect info to many times.



  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Thanks webjive. We are aware of both issues and are working on the best way to fix them. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />