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1Password extension for Firefox 6 available where?

Running 1Password on My Lionized Mac with Safari 5, but now friends want to do academic work using Zotero on Firefox. I've downloaded Firefox 6, and see several places online that it's compatible with Lion, but when I attempt to install the 1P 3 extension in Firefox 6 via my 1P software (latest version of course) it only loads 1P extensions for Firefox 4 and Firefox 5, which aren't compatible with the version of Firefox I'm using. What's a struggling scholar to do?


greenmonkeyblue (GMB)


  • Sorry for the confusion here, GMB.

    I'm pleased to say that we've just released a brand new Firefox add-on to support Firefox 6. Please [url=""]follow the instructions in this blog post[/url] to get this setup:

    Once the add-on is installed, please restart Firefox and you should see the 1Password icon appear as normal. This is a brand new extension based on our new extension interface we introduced in Safari 5.1 and as such you may want ot take a look at our [url=]guide to the new extension's interface and features.[/url]

    I hope that helps,
  • tzoi516
    tzoi516 Senior Member
    That helped me a lot. My problem was every time I clicked the "Install Firefox Extension" it would launch the Windows Firefox in Parallels. Instead of ~/Users/Username/Application Support/ etc, it opened ~/Users/Username/Applications Parallels/ ... /
  • tayker,

    Glad you're up and running, we have seen reports of this behaviour and it's quite strange, I think it's because somehow Parallels is directing .xpi files to the Windows version of Firefox maybe?