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Master password retrieval via KeyChain Access

n7qx Junior Member
Wish to retrieve master password. Followed instructions in 1 password help: Apps/Utilities/Keychain Access/ then search for "master pasword." This is where I can proceed no further since searching for that yields a blank window. Need further assistance


  • This will only work if you actually saved your 1Password master password to the keychain using the 'Never Prompt for Master Password' option in 1Password > Preferences > Security. If you don't see an entry for your master password in the Keychain Access utility then it's not stored there.
  • n7qx
    n7qx Junior Member
    Thank you. If I read the help section correctly, then my only option is to start over. True??
  • That's right, unfortunately to make sure that there are no ways for someone to gain access to your data we couldn't put any sort of password reset into the data file.

    If you recently changed your master password, and forgot the new one, you could always restore form a backup by going to File > Restore Data File from Backup and selecting a backup from before the change.