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1password Lion + Dropbox

I am having a nightmare with 1password on a new iMac computer.

The Dropbox sync keeps overriding the file I am using and the software key section is made blank.

Three times in three days, I have had to find and load old backups. What is going on?

I have deleted the file, replaced with a back up and the problem keeps "periodically" occurring.

Separately, my iPad and iPhone files have been overridden with almsot all data deleted and I have lost new passwords - and a nightmare to retrieve some of them. I assumed I was OK with the iMac problems as my iPad and iPhone files were safe ... I was wrong.

Insult to injury, the Chrome Plug in doesn't work. Just does nothing when clicked. Occasionally works.



What is going on?


  • I've now had to reinstall the Chrome extension twice. How does it uninstall itself?
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi lecycliste,

    Welcome to the forums. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> Not ignoring you, just trying to figure out what's going on here. Let me first make sure I've got straight what issues you are having:

    You moved your 1Password.agilekeychain to Dropbox, per the instructions, in order to sync 1Password with multiple devices. Somehow, your 1Password.agilekeychain is being overwritten with an older version, forcing you to restore from the latest backup?

    Also you are using Chrome on your Mac and you had the extension install but it somehow becomes uninstalled?

    Is that right?


  • tony
    tony Junior Member
    I'm having problems with dropbox sync since installing Lion. I sync between iMac/iPad/iPhone. At the moment, sync seems to be totally broken between all 3 machines. Any suggestions? Rebuilt file on main machine?
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi tony,

    Does Dropbox still work to sync other files?

  • tony
    tony Junior Member
    yes , dropbox sync with other files working fine
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi tony,

    Could you please try re-setting up the Dropbox sync on the iPad and iPhone?


  • tony
    tony Junior Member
    Hi Ben,

    re-setting Dropbox sync got it working again! Thanks for your help.

  • Tony,

    Glad to hear a reset of the Dropbox sync did the trick for you.