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1Password web page keeps opening when I launch Safari [Cookies were deleted by mistake]

1Password web page keeps opening when I launch Safari. How do I stop this unwanted and ill-conceived behaviour?


  • Are you using a third party app of some sort to regularly wipe your browser activity or similar? If so, it's probably causing the 1P extension behave like a new instal each time you relaunch Safari.
  • Terry7777
    Terry7777 Junior Member
    Thank you I was having the same problem and had the Cookies program save the cookie from 1password and the problem went away.

  • Hello Terry and welcome to the Forums!

    Thank you for reporting your solution. I'm sure that other readers will benefit from your fix.


  • Ah thanks for that, Terry. But that won't work for me. You see, as a matter of policy, I always reset Safari when I'm finished browsing. I ought to be able to do this without 1Password imposing itself again when I re-open my Browser. The only way that I can make this stop is to uninstall the Safari extension. Perhaps I ought to do this and to ditch the whole program as well if 1Password does not come up with a REAL solution to this as opposed to a workaround! I'm sure there are lots of other password utilities out there that work better than this.
  • [quote name='bswins' timestamp='1313908868' post='41188']

    Hello Terry and welcome to the Forums!

    Thank you for reporting your solution. I'm sure that other readers will benefit from your fix.




    Hi Brandt. I see you report Terry's idea as a solution when you know darn well it is not. I expect better things from a Company that takes my money than to try and sweep problems under the carpet.
  • roustem
    roustem AgileBits Founder
    [quote name='malcrobe' timestamp='1314470226' post='42842']

    Ah thanks for that, Terry. But that won't work for me. You see, as a matter of policy, I always reset Safari when I'm finished browsing. I ought to be able to do this without 1Password imposing itself again when I re-open my Browser. The only way that I can make this stop is to uninstall the Safari extension. Perhaps I ought to do this and to ditch the whole program as well if 1Password does not come up with a REAL solution to this as opposed to a workaround! I'm sure there are lots of other password utilities out there that work better than this.


    Safari currently has a bug. If you Reset Safari with "Remove all website data" enabled then it will also delete 1Password database. The next time you start Safari, the 1Password extension will not find the database and will think that it was just installed.

    There is not much we can do until this Safari bug is fixed.
  • [quote name='roustem' timestamp='1314472574' post='42853']

    Safari currently has a bug. If you Reset Safari with "Remove all website data" enabled then it will also delete 1Password database. The next time you start Safari, the 1Password extension will not find the database and will think that it was just installed.

    There is not much we can do until this Safari bug is fixed.


    How about:

    1. Add a checkbox that disables/enables the guide, so that even if the database is destroyed and the plugin thinks its newly installed, it still won't show the guide. Assuming the plugin-settings are saved in the database, this solution might not work.


    2. Completely disable/remove the guide, and instead implement it in the program as a link. Say, right next to the question mark in 1Password Main Window. Or in the plugin, right under the "Enter Master Password to unlock" box.

    Yes - This still won't solve the issue of Safari apparently deleting the database, but it will solve the issue of the guide popping up every single time which is what people are complaining about. I don't know how hard implementing either one of those is, but I figured I should give my two cents. I still enjoy using your product (it has saved me from a LOT of grey hairs), and hope to see this little annoyance solved.
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Thanks for the feedback. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> The problem is that the only place Safari allows the 1Password extension to write data is to its own database. Whenever the database is deleted, the extension has no choice but to start from scratch. We want the user guide to open when starting from scratch. It's important that new users get that information, and they may not know where to look for it (they may not even know to click the 1P button). The short term workaround is to uncheck the 'remove all website data' when resetting Safari. We're hopeful that the long term solution will be that Apple will update Safari to exclude extension databases from being deleted by this setting.
  • rwh
    edited September 2011
    I have found a neat little work-a-round for this bug. While it's not as good as Apple separating extension databases and cookies/cache/rest, it's better than nothing. Install [url=""]Safari Cookies[/url], Go Safari -> Preferences -> Cookies -> Check 'Automatically manage cookies' -> Check 'Treat all Extensions as Favorites'. This way Safari will delete your cookies on quit (unless you tell it not to), but keep the extension databases.

    Hopefully this'll help 1Password users while we wait for a real fix to this issue <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> It's not just with 1Password, but with every single Safari Extension that uses databases (such as Ghostery). I also hope that AgileBits won't mind me posting this - I'm not trying to advertise Safari Cookies, but rather help the users and Your customers

    Edit: And just now I notice that someone had already posted the exact same solution.. One should read more carefully. Oh well - it's still a good little guide for those who, like me, didn't know or notice that post <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • Hey rah,

    There's nothing like repetition to drive home a message!

    Thanks for confirming the cause and solution.


  • A note for those who are deleting Safari datas for security concerns : "Safari Cookies requires [url=""]SIMBL[/url]". What a joke…
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