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HTTP Basic Authentication no longer supported (Firefox 6 / Safari 5.1)

Hello. This is pretty simple, actually. At some point between 3.7 and 3.8.0, populating the fields of HTTP(s) Basic auth stopped working consistently. If you hit the keyboard shortcut, it pops up the menu of available accounts, but nothing you can do will result in 1Password copy/pasting the contents of the account over to the web browser. All three major browsers (Chrome, Safari, and Firefox) seem to have this problem, despite having reinstalled the plugins. Any thoughts on what I can do to fix this or is this a regression? -sc


  • Greetings,

    Sites that cause drop down login prompt windows do not seem to accept input from 1Password (i.e. clicking the entry in 1P does not input any text into the login text boxes).

    Also, when this drop down type login window is up, I cannot type into the All Logins search box in 1P browser extension (typing always goes into the login text boxes).

    -Travis N
  • rjbs
    rjbs Junior Member
    I'm also suffering from this.
  • Even more irritating/problematic, when you push the keyboard shortcut to bring this up, the focus remains on the Username field in the HTTP Basic Auth dialogue box and you can't change focus to the 1Password Master Password input prompt. And, if you're really fast at typing this and turn your head, you can very easily type your master password in as the *username*, which is REALLY bad because usernames are normally logged in plain text. Super irritating and problematic.

    Outside of this, 1Password is functioning normally in every browser. I can fill in normal forms, have 1Password add new entries, etc. But HTTP Basic Auth? It seems to work only about 5% of the time. Once upon a blue moon it actually fills things in correctly, but it's so erratic and unpredictable that it's basically unusable. Right now I have to log in to the 1Password app and manually copy/paste things around. Not the end of the world, but a bit self defeating.

    Thanks in advance.
  • petert
    petert Junior Member

    I am eagerly waiting on the official reply on this remark, because I have the same problem with some sites!

  • elderon4
    elderon4 Junior Member
    I am wondering the same thing here. When a site would bring the drop down (usually Windows Authentication sites) there was a little 1P button on the right. That seems to have gone away.

    This was something that I am really missing now.

    Any word on this would be great.

  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi folks,

    Sorry for the delayed reply. The new APIs in Firefox 6 do not offer us the ability to "plug in" to HTTP basic authentication prompts. Unfortunately this seems to be a trend... starting with Chrome, then Safari 5.1, and now Firefox 6. We're investigating a way that we could interact with these popups without the help of the browser, but that is going to take some time, if its possible.

    I know that is not the answer you were hoping for, but hopefully it clarifies the situation.


  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    I merged two similar topics here. Hope the above information answers your question.
  • [quote name='bwoodruff' timestamp='1314107222' post='41770']

    Sorry for the delayed reply. The new APIs in Firefox 6 do not offer us the ability to "plug in" to HTTP basic authentication prompts. Unfortunately this seems to be a trend... starting with Chrome, then Safari 5.1, and now Firefox 6. We're investigating a way that we could interact with these popups without the help of the browser, but that is going to take some time, if its possible.[/quote]

    Damn, but understandable. If we push the keyboard shortcut key, could you at least pop up a mini-1Password window that has the matching domains selected so that we can quickly copy/paste the values in?
  • I have a feeling this may not be possible, the HTTP Auth. prompts seem to prevent add-ons from actually working or being interacted with, likely because the HTTP Auth. prompt is at the 'top level' of the browser interface.

    We're still investigating solutions, but as Ben said it may take some time, we know that's somewhat frustrating and we share your pain.
  • Aye. Well... drat. Any feedback that could be provided back to the user would be appreciated. Recreating credentials because you think 1Password is broken sucks. :~]
  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai
    Hi guys,

    What you guys can do is open the extension via "Command + Option + \" or select the All Logins tab, find your site's item and then click on the right arrow to view its details. You can click on the password field to have it copied to your clipboard and then press the > arrow again to visit the site. It'll bring down the HTTP auth prompt and you can paste the password in the password field and manually enter the username. This should make it easier for now while we investigate for a better solution than this.

    [quote name='sean-' timestamp='1314117615' post='41832']

    Aye. Well... drat. Any feedback that could be provided back to the user would be appreciated. Recreating credentials because you think 1Password is broken sucks. :~]


    I'm sorry about this, we're trying to figure out a solution or at least provide a feedback but it is hard for an extension to be notified for any external browser dialogs (the http auth dialog is not a part of the web site which the extension is only allowed access to).