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Using 1Password Mac and Windows computers

[i]Hi. I have one Mac computer and one Windows computer. It is not clear to me how one uses 1Password in this type of environment.[/i]

[i]I currently store some passwords in a password-protected Excel file. To keep this file in sync on each of my two computers, I periodically copy the file from one computer to a USB thumb drive, then copy the file from the USB thumb drive to the other computer. I do not store the file in the cloud, as I frequently need access to the file at times when I do not have wifi / cloud access. Can I follow this type of "manual sync" approach with 1Password and the [/i][i][b]1Password.agilekeychain[/b] file? If so, would this require me to purchase o[/i][i]ne copy of 1Password (say, the Mac version, and then use it across both computers)? Or would I need to purchase two copies of 1Password (one for the Mac and one for the Windows computer)?[/i]

If I choose to store the [i][b]1Password.agilekeychain[/b] file in the cloud using DropBox, would this "auto sync" approach require one or two copies of 1Password for my environment?[/i]

[i]Thank you[/i]


  • Hello pomme4moi,

    1Password requires a license on a "per person, per platform" basis. Mac and Windows are considered separate "platforms". However, if you purchase a license for Mac, you may install 1Password on as many Macs as you own at no additional cost. The same goes for a Windows license. You can read more details regarding our policy here: [url=""]AgileBits' Licenses[/url]

    Regardless of the method you use to transfer your 1Password data between your Mac and Windows computer, you will need to purchase one 1Password for Mac license and one 1Password for Windows license. We do offer discounted pricing if you purchase our 1P for Mac + 1P for Windows Bundle. Please see our website for pricing options: [url=""]Agile Store[/url]

    You may "manually" copy your data file from one computer to the other using a USB flash drive or other medium, but you will need to keep one master copy of the data file to ensure you do not lose any entries saved on one computer, but not the other.

    1Password for Windows does not support Wi-Fi synching, so you would not be able to wirelessly sync your two computers that way. However, you may use Dropbox syncing to automatically update both computers simultaneously. This would negate the need to use a flash drive for transferring the data file as you do currently with your Excel file. In addition, the encryption method used for your 1Password data file is considered much more secure than the encryption used by Excel.

    Please let us know if you have any further questions regarding 1Password or your options for keeping your data synched between your two computers.

