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Is there a local backup of a 1P keychain stored in Dropbox?

stephen-m3 Junior Member
I store my 1Password keychain in Dropbox. I appreciate not only the offsite storage, but the fact that the keychain is always up to date and available to any of my devices via the Internet.

Recently, I've wondered what would happen if my 1P keychain became unavailable indefinitely for whatever reason—Dropbox servers compromised by hackers, unrecoverable file corruption, nuclear exchange, shark attack, so forth.

Is there, or ought there be, a local backup of the logins keychain that could be used to repopulate Dropbox (after Dropbox recovers from its catastrophic shark attack, that is.)

I'm guessing that Agile software engineers have spent uncountable late-night hours discussing this very question and devising ingenious responses to it, but I haven't been able to find any discussion of it in the 1P documentation.

BTW, I realize that if there's a nuclear exchange I'm lucky enough to survive—or unlucky enough to survive; I'm not sure which—my logins keychain will be among the very least of my worries. And seriously, I [i]do[/i] have other, and better, things to think about. Really, I do. But still, my question hangs out there before me, heavy with ominous portent.

Cheerio for now,



  • thightower
    thightower "T-Dog" Agile's Mascot Community Moderator
    Hi Stephen

    You should have your 1Password backups in ~/Library/Application Support/1Password/Backups (Which is outside of Dropbox)

    As a note All Dropbox files are local to your machines at all times. So even if the servers were off line all you would loose is the sync function. Then when they (servers) come back online the sync will occur.

    PS That is the default location for the backups unless you have changed there location in the 1Password preferences.
  • stephen-m3
    stephen-m3 Junior Member
    Hi Tommy,

    Thanks for your prompt reply, and for clearing up my confusion.

  • thightower
    thightower "T-Dog" Agile's Mascot Community Moderator
    Your welcome,

    Glad to help out. let us know if you have any additional questions.