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1password app quits unexpectedly [Resolved by resetting PRAM]

dbaumbach Junior Member
After updating to 3.8.1, 1password fails consistently on my Macbook Air. Oddly the Safari "1P" icon works. Reinstalling a new version of 1Password and restarting Safari and re-booting the laptop has not resolved the problem. I am running OS version 10.7.1 and Safari version 5.1.

I am at a loss on how to resolve the issue


  • dbaumbach
    dbaumbach Junior Member
    Other non-1Password problems started manifesting i.e. incorrect date format. Zapping the pram fixed 1Password and the other problems
  • Hello Dave and welcome to the Forums!

    Thank you for reporting your experience and for updating the thread with you solution.

    Please let us know if the issue resurfaces.

