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My new bank login requires security code field that 1Password can't handle


I've just set up an account with the new bank that handles my mortgage. At login, I'm asked for the usual username and password, but then there's a 3rd field, with one of those 'spam-proof' codes that you have to fill in; each time, it's different. It's 5 digits long. 1Password insists in filling it in-- with my username.

Of course, 1Password's default is to immediately try to log in, as soon as it's filled in the fields. Ii's impossible to get to that spam-proof code in time to fill it in.

I have attached a screen shot of the login page.

Any work-arounds, or suggestions? 1Password does NOT work in this sort of situation.

Thanks, Jack


  • Go to 1-PW prefs -> logins -> uncheck 'submit automatically after filling a login'

    1-PW should then fill the requisite fields leaving you to fill in the captcha and manually sign in.

    Unfortunately this is a global preference, so it means you would have to manually do [u]all[/u] logins after 1-PW has filled them.
  • danco
    danco Senior Member
    You don't say what browser and OS you are using. But if you use the toolbar or menu button rather than the keyboard shortcut you can press a modifier key to change from "Fill and Submit" to "Fill only" for the site.
  • Hello jackmcquire and welcome to the Forums!

    I just saved a test login for [url=""]https://www.nationst...nt/Default.aspx[/url].

    Both Tacitus99 and danco's suggestions will resolve your problem. Thanks to both of you for your comments.

    For this particular site, you will always need to enter a CAPTCHA in order to login. At this time, 1Password does not have any way to "read" the current CAPTCHA request. So, you will need to modify your login to Fill just the username and password without Submitting your credentials before you have a chance to add the appropriate characters in the CAPTCHA field.

    If I had a login for this site, I would edit my saved login to look like this:


    Since it appears that you will always need to enter a different CAPTCHA phrase, this method will allow you to stop this particular site from auto-submiting, without affecting all your other saved logins.

    If it does not work for you, please try the methods posted by Tacitus99 and danco.

