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Sorry if known issue but search for it already.

i have been using 1 password since the first iphone app, love it so bougth the pro version and updated it every time.

by the way noticed that there were some new tabs like wallet, logins, info, etc... but already everything in the same place and couldnt find an easy way to put some order on my personal caos

Lately i bougth an Ipad2 and so install the windows version in a W7 PC,

Sync by Dropbox and sevral times because have the idea that not all the data was synced, but when the ipad sync whit dropbox, every login was there.

So i have an iphone with all the data (almost 50 logins) an ipad with all the data but windows with only with 8 logins.

is there a bug??

by the way can i change the logins specs in wallet or info, etc...?

