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I don't want you to take this too harsh...I love 1Password. I use it on my iPhone, Galaxy tablet, MacBook Pro, but your latest plugin updates are very frustrating.

I can't save new username / passwords and seems that the plugin is jacking with java in both Firefox and Safari on my MacBook running OSX Lion.

Can we switch back to some more stable version? Many of us are power users. We rely on accessing login information quickly and accurately.



  • astrontelstar
    astrontelstar Junior Member
    I want to SECOND this. I am VERY frustrated that 1Password for LION works 50% of the time. Each time I try to use it I gut the dreaded "Problem with database". Please Please Please fix this!
  • I wanted to add...

    Please take into consideration user experience. I use 1Password as a business tool. I'm now forced to spend hours reading technical documents to fix a product that was working flawlessly for me prior to the last update.

    I'm not sure of a connection yet, but since running the latest update I cannot log into my account. I have to use Opera which does not have 1password plugin installed.

    Please advise...can we migrate backwards?
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi folks,

    User experience is very important to us. If there are things that aren't working, or aren't working well, we definitely want to hear about them! We want to make the 1Password experience the best we can. That said, we would really appreciate specific feedback. The more detail you can describe an issue for us with, the more likely we will be able to improve it.

    We had to create a brand new extension from the ground up for Lion / Safari 5.1 / Firefox 6. This extension has not had nearly the time to mature that our previous extensions had. We're constantly working on them and incorporating as much feedback from our users as we can.

    It is possible to "go back" but only by also downgrading Safari / Firefox. In the case of Safari, it may not be possible without also going back to Snow Leopard. The new extension was necessary to add compatibility for the new browsers. Some of the things we used to do simply aren't possible in the new browsers, but in most cases there are other ways to accomplish the same tasks. It may be a little bit of a learning curve, but such is the case whenever software updates and changes.

    If you have specific questions or feedback we'd be happy to listen.


  • highrockmedia
    highrockmedia Junior Member
    Just my 2 cents, the new UI / UX is terrible, it feels like I am using Adobe bloatware at its finest. Please give us an option to have to old UI back that will work with Firefox 6 and Safari 5.1. While I understand that some browser apis were changed (and becuase of that, now I cannot login to sites that have htaccess protection), I hope you can address this issue. This has completely slowed down my workflow as a Drupal developer and it's sad.
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi highrockmedia,

    Some of the decisions we've made are due to new technology we're using and some are to pave the way for future 1Password features. However, we're always open to feedback and we thank everyone for their input. It's really not possible to recreate the old extension in the new browsers, but as I mentioned above if there are specific things that you have feedback on we would be happy to hear it.


  • jesmithiv
    jesmithiv Junior Member
    Like others, I've been deliriously happy with 1Password until the latest Safari extension updates in Lion. It just no longer works reliably for me. The biggest frustration is updating passwords. The generator fills new passwords fine, but 1Password rarely prompts me to update the login. Editing manually is more difficult now, too, because the old "Copy" button is gone from the extension UI. (I used to copy passwords to the clipboard as extra insurance in the previously rare event that 1Password didn't prompt me to update the login.)

    I finally figured out that if I go to password history, I can find generated passwords. However, if I update the login entry from within the extension, it does not seem to update the main 1Password database file. So I have to do that manually too.

    Until these kinks are ironed out, 1Password sorta loses its "just works" status for me. My "just works" test is whether or not I could tell my parents, friends, or non-nerdy friends how to do it over the phone.

    I love 1Password and it sickens me to even say a disparaging word about it, but I really, really, really want to see the reliability from the old SL style extension brought back. If the UI needs to change visually, fine. I just want it to work.
  • Hello jesmithiv,

    Thank you for your feedback. We are trying to implement as many feature requests from our users as possible.

    We will continue to do our best to meet your and other member's requirements.

    I empathize with your frustration, and I appreciate your patience while we iron out the kinks.

