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Changing master password

I have changed my master password for 1Password in the 1Password window, but it does not change the password for my browser (Safari 5.1). I have restarted Safari, and I have even rebooted my Mac. And I have reinstalled the 1Password extension and then restarted 1Password, but the password for the browser continues to be the old password. How do I get the browser to accept the new master password?


  • Sorry for the trouble here, this issue should have been fixed with our latest updates to 1Password and the Safari 5.1 extension. To get this new update please go to 1Password > Check for Updates from within 1Password which should prompt you to download the latest version, currently 3.8.1 at the time of writing.

    Once that's done, please go to Safari > Preferences > Extensions and uninstall the 1Password extension and then reinstall the latest version directly from our site here:

    With some of the new changes in the update, there are few extra steps to follow. First of all, please go to Help > Troubleshooting > Restart Agent within 1Password and finally restart Safari with Command-Option-Q to ensure the extension is properly reloaded.

    You should then be able to unlock the Safari extension with your master password from 1Password itself.

    I hope that helps,
  • I had the current version of 1Password and the current Safari extension, but I had not uninstalled the extension and reinstalled it. I did that, and the problem seems to be resolved.

    Thank you.
  • Hello janbergeron,

    On behalf of Stu, you are very welcome!

    I'm glad you are up and running again.


  • I think I'll just add to this rather than start another thread with the same topic. As noted, I changed the master password on my Mac, and I finally got that working okay. But then I went to open 1Password on my iPhone and the password wouldn't work. Since my new password has upper and lower case letters as well as numbers, I typed it VERY carefully, but it still would not work. I'm not sure how many failed attempts one gets before something terrible happens, but I was getting a bit nervous. Finally, I used my old password and it worked! I just assumed that changing the master password in one location and syncing would change it on each device. Guess I was wrong. Based on my experience I am assuming that I must change the master password on each device individually...iPhone, iPad, other Macs. Is this true, or am I doing something wrong?
  • Hey there, janbergeron! Thanks for bringing this up.

    I am sorry for the confusion. You are absolutely correct: Currently Master Passwords are set on a per-device basis, meaning that changing the Master Password for the data from your Mac won't have an effect on your iPhone data (except that you will of course need to know it to set up Dropbox sync there).

    I know this can be confusing, so we are considering simplifying this in the future, but for now it is possible to use a different password for each. You can of course use the same one for both. Just go to (More) > Settings > Security > Change Master Password on each of your iOS devices and set it to whatever you like.

    And just to clarify, there isn't currently a 'self-destruct' imposed on multiple failed attempts. 1Password simply throttles attempts so that you have to wait longer and longer between bad guesses. You can, however, turn General > Passcode Lock > Erase Data ON in the Settings app on your devices if you like.

    I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />