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1Password is Spamming My Safari - 3 Minute Expert Pop-Up over and over...

Can someone please help me stop 1Password from launching the "3 Minute Expert" guide on the Safari extension.

It seems to CONTINUALLY pop up as a second tab when I launch Safari. At this point it has become straight pop-up spam.

Please help!

A link to the spam is:


  • If you're running an app to remove your online activities, using Safari's File -> Reset Safari menu option or similar, that's the culprit.
  • That's correct, because the new Safari extension is using the native extensions framework, meaning it uses a HTML5 database within Safari to securely store your data, this is then synced with 1Password using our background 1Password Agent process.

    We show the '3 Minute Expert' guide at the first launch of the extension to help new users to either the extension or 1Password learn some of the key features, so resetting Safari will remove the database for the extension and as such it will be as if you're using the extension for the first time. We certainly didn't intend for this to be spammy, and I guess we didn't account for people resetting Safari after each use.

    We're looking into some ways to workaround this, but for now the best option is to uncheck the 'Remove all website data' option when you're resetting Safari, this prevents the database from being removed.

    I hope that helps clear things up.
  • I've run into the same thing. It looks like 10.6.8 and Safari 5.0/5.1 have an issue with not deleting cookies. Currently, no matter how you set Safari's preferences, the cookies will still appear and reappear.

    So I always clear the cookies at the end of each session.

    Perhaps you could have 1Password have a preference setting for showing the startup page. The default could be "on" which would be good for new users, but allow other users to turn off the setting.

    Here's a couple links to the 10.6.8/Safari cookies issue:

  • That's a great idea except that the extension can't read data from outside it's own database, so all settings have to be stored there, so when this is deleted it's like a fresh start.

    We're still looking into the options, we just ask for a little patience.