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Keep getting updates but still not Lion Savvy

I keep getting updates but you are still not Lion Savvy. I've noticed a huge shift in your interface. I liked the way it was so am wondering where are you getting your information from to modify? Your discussion board tells me you are not asking us...your users. While I am not having no where near the problems others are having I am disappointed that you are still not provision the Lion features of full screen and mission control protocols. FYI I love the new feature and now software vendors that are not lion savvy stick out like a sore thumb! Anyway you go my vote for keeping it simple and keeping up with Apple's new model.


  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi ResilientLife,

    Welcome to the forums! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    With Safari 5.1 it is no longer possible to create the old interface. We had been using something called "scripting additions" previously to "plug in" to Safari. Support for such plugins from Apple was always "iffy" at best. With Lion and Safari 5.1 they removed them completely. We had to create a brand new extension using their plugin architecture. Ultimately this will be a better setup for everyone (our customers, Apple, and us).

    It's true that we don't have full screen support. I'm not really sure what the benefit of it would be for 1Password. It seems it would just waste a lot of screen space, and honestly there hasn't been much demand for it. That isn't to say we'll never add it, but we'd need to find something to fill all that space with. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> I understand that there are some people using relatively small screens, such as the MacBook Air 11", but there are also people using the 30" Cinema display and we'd need to figure something out for them as well.

    As far as Mission Control... I haven't played with it much. What kinds of things can other apps do with it that 1Password doesn't?

    We'd be happy to hear any specific feedback you've got for us.

