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1P3/Lion can't use db on Dropbox

LazloSF Junior Member

I am currently building a new Lion boot drive. After installing Lion, Trackball Works, & Dropbox; I downloaded the latest version of 1P. On launch, I tried to link to my existing file on Dropbox and received an error that the file was corrupt. I created a new file and then tried to relink to the original in the prefs and received an error that components are missing. 1P works just fine on my SL partition and my iPhone & iPad. It seems that I am doing something wrong here. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.



  • Leff,

    I'm really sorry for the trouble here, the first question to ask is to make sure the file you have in Dropbox is named 1Password.agilekeychain?

    If it is, and things work from your Snow Leopard install it may well be that Dropbox hasn't finished syncing yet on the Lion install, it can take a bit of time in my experience. Make sure the Dropbox menu-bar icon indicates that all files are up-to-date and then try double-clicking the 1Password.agilekeychain file again.
  • LazloSF
    LazloSF Junior Member
    Hi Stu,

    Thanks for your help. You were right. My Dropbox hadn't finished syncing. It was a little misleading, because the file with Icon was there. I never checked the file size. For any Dropbox users out there looking to get going quickly with 1Password on a new partition, I told it to only sync my 1Password folder first. Once that was complete, I linked 1Password to my data file. Then I started syncing everything else... Hope this helps.

  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Thanks for the update Leff. Glad to hear you got it working. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />