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1Password not working with 24 Hour Fitness site

I can't log into the 24 Hour Fitness web site. I had to manually create the log in, and I have to cut and paste to fill in username and password. I'm running OS X 10.7.1, Safari 5.1, 1Password - Version 3.8.1 (build 31115), and Safari extension 3.7. How do I fix this? Thanks.


  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi zztop18,

    Welcome to the forums. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    Could we get a URL please so we can test it?


  • Sure thing. The sign in page is

  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Thanks for the update Dennis. They are using a technology called Adobe Flash to create their login form on that page. Flash is not compatible with 1Password (or any other password manager, that I'm aware of). Many sites that use this technology also offer a non-Flash HTML based login page. I haven't heard of one for this site, but you may be able to contact them to see if they have such a thing. Unfortunately if they don't, the only way is going to be to copy & paste.
