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Firefox 6 and 1 Password refuse to work together

I have updated everything I can and still 1 Password and Firefox 6 do NOT work together. There is no 1 Password button in Firefox any longer. There is no 1 Password plugin listed in Firefox. All this occurred after the last 2 updates I did for 1 Password. I use to be able to right click on a username and password area and get 1 Password in the menu and select the password I needed, but not any more. What do I need to do to get 1 Password back? Is there anything I can do or is this a Agile problem that they need to fix?


  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi sperry1975

    Welcome to the forums <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    Have you followed the new extension installation process?

    [url=""]1Password 3.8 for Mac is out with support for Firefox 6/7 and a new extension setup process[/url]


  • I don't have as much of an issue as the Original Poster but, I am having an issue with FF 6 and your latest extension. I am having an issue saving a 2nd login for an existing website. For example, I have 2 Yahoo Mail accounts and 2 facebook accounts. When I tried to save the 2nd login by clicking the 1P buton and the + sign, it won't let me do it in FF 6. Nothing happens. However no issues in Safari with your latest extension.
  • Hello Comp Therapist, and welcome to the Forums!

    There are some known issues with our current Firefox stable extension, but we are working hard to fix these problems.

    Please review our [b]Known Issues[/b] section of the [url=""]browser FAQ thread[/url]

    We have made updates to the FF manual save functionality, and you can find more information there.


  • davidmeade
    davidmeade Junior Member
    not sure this is the right thread: but the 1P fill in feature works for log-ins but not for credit card/wallet items and not for identities. I'm having to type in everything manually again. 1P copy feature doesn't even work. argh!

    yes, I'm using 3.8.1 latest version with latest version of the plug-in for Firefox 6 in OSX Lion
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Thanks for the report davidmeade, we're aware of the difficulties with credit cards and identities and are working on a fix.
  • I also have this problem. I'm using 3.8.1 latest version with latest version of the plug-in for Firefox 6 in OS X Lion. 1password works in Safari but not FF. I have bounced around to various forum strings on this topic (many seem redundant & I can never get back to the same one, so posting here) and have read all the very in-depth manipulations others have tried. I am not super technical so am reluctant to try these very detailed (& to me, confusing) things. I have come to the conclusion that there is no simple, sure-to-work fix at this point. That said, all I would like to know is when you expect to have one. In the mean time I have 2 choices: 1. go back to FF 5 (not exactly sure how to do this), or; 2. limp along using Safari until you fix the FF 6 issue.

    Also, I am not exactly sure how I will know that you replied to this posting. Will I get some sort of notice? If no, what then? My name is Bob.
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi Bob,

    Depending on your settings you may get an email notification that I've replied here.

    Have you seen this page? [url=""]1Password 3.8 for Mac is out with support for Firefox 6/7 and a new extension setup process[/url]


  • Hi Ben:

    Yes, I had already done that. No 1P box next to any of my addresses. I have repeated the process multiple times, including restarting FF & 1P. Do I need to reboot?

  • I am running 1Password 3.8.1 and Firefox 6.0. I have reloaded all the software at least twice and I've loaded the extensions about a dozen times....still doesn't work. When I select the IP icon from Firefox, I get the password screen. After I type my password and press enter nothing happens. I have yet to even see a menu or any other functions of 1Password. I have been messing with this for about 7 days now so I need HELP!!! I certainly would appreciate a response!
  • Omen
    Omen Junior Member
    The first time I installed the 1P extension for Firefox 6 the 1P button was nowhere to be found. I looked in the normal place (View>Toolbars>Customize) but it wasn't there. I then uninstalled the 1P extension, quit Firefox, restarted Firefox and installed the extension again. This time, the 1P button was one of the last buttons under the dozens or so buttons available under View>Toolbars>Customize.

    Don't know why it didn't take the first time, but if anyone else is having a problem with the 1P button not appearing, try installing the extension again.

  • Please -- could someone on the Agile support team please reply with a simple answer to the question: When do you expect to have this fixed? The definition of "this" is: 1P working in a Firefox 6 / OS X Lion environment. The answer should be in the form of a date (example: August 31, 2011). The answer should not start with: Have you tried; have you seen -- or anything similar.
  • not working with SnowLeopard either since todays update 3.8.2 <sigh> so its not just a Lion issue
  • so, a re-boot fixed my FF6 and 3.8.2 problem- see my previous post with apologies (and egg all over my face) <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />
  • Installed 3.8.2 and rebooted. Nothing! Am I missing anything? Is 3.8.2 supposed to be the fix?
  • hello i'm new here, i jsut registred to add my comment: 1pw 3.8.2 is not working with firefox 6/7b for me <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' /> tryed to unsintall/reboot/reinstall etc...

    The "1P" icon is in the customize panel, so i added it tot he main toolbar but it's totally useless it doesn't work <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />

    that's really not fun and i'm beginning to be seriously angry since 1P doesn't work on lion
  • [quote name='bwoodruff' timestamp='1314283756' post='42389']

    Hi Bob,

    Depending on your settings you may get an email notification that I've replied here.

    Have you seen this page? [url=""]1Password 3.8 for Mac is out with support for Firefox 6/7 and a new extension setup process[/url]




    Yup, downloaded the latest update and notice no difference. Wallet is utterly useless.
  • Oops. I mis-spoke yesterday. Just noticed that the little 1P logo was on the upper RIGHT of my screen not to the left of the address bar as I had been accustomed to seeing. Actually there are 2 there, not sure why. However, it works and that is what is most important!
  • It looks like Firefox 6 and beyond automatically but new add-ons to the right of the address bar, this confused me at first too I have to be honest.

    With regards to seeing two icons for 1Password there, if you go to Tools > Add-Ons can you tell me what you see in relation to 1Password, this would apply to everyone who's having trouble too.
  • yeschick
    yeschick Junior Member
    I'm having tons of issues too. I can manually go in and add a log in - only to find that it doesn't come up when I navigate to the website involved. The + button to save a log in doesn't work either. I HATE this problem, I use complex passwords and literally cannot remember them all. We need this program to work!
  • yeschick
    yeschick Junior Member
    it shows 1password 3.8.1; not 3.8.2 and I have re-installed the toolbar...
  • yeschick
    yeschick Junior Member
    3.8.2 is shown as installed; but not compatible with Firefox 6
  • yeschick,

    It sounds like you have the Firefox 4 or 5 'old' add-on installed within Firefox 6 and as such you're being correctly told it's not compatible. Can you remove this from Firefox and then follow our [url=""]instructions here to install the latest Beta of the new extension[/url].

    Can everyone please make sure they have the latest Beta from the link above, this should fix the issues with manually saving Logins.