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Trouble With Autosave

vthunder Junior Member
FIrst a huge compliment. The new safari plugin is awesome. For guys like me that want to stay on keyboard and use shortcuts as much as possible, this is really a nice move, discreet and nested where a few arrow keys and Im there. Great job!

One small issue still remains and that is that autosave does not seem to work anymore. So when I first enter credentials for a new page not in 1P I am not prompted at all to save. This is a real step back.

Is their anything I can do to restore this or is this a limitation now? I did look around the forums, but didn't find anything written on this topic.

Appreciate the help,



  • Hello Robb,

    First, thank you for the kind words! I am glad that you love the extension, and I hope we continue to improve it to your satisfaction.

    Second, I am running Lion, Safari 5.1, 1P 3.8.1 and 1P's Safari extension 3.8.1.b1, and I am able to autosave on almost all sites.

    Please ensure that "Ask to save new logins" is enabled in the Settings section of your 1P extension. Also, there may be a problem with trying to autosave logins on domains where you already have a login (i.e. Google, for instance)

    If it is still not autosaving for you, please let me know on which URLs you are experiencing this behavior. In addition, please let us know your system setup and versions.

