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Dropbox sync on iPod touch no longer working

leimerlk Junior Member
I moved my 1Password agile keychain from the Dropbox root directory to a folder labeled "1Password sync". I then changed my 1Password preferences on my MacBook to use the same file but in the new folder now.

Problem arises when I opened 1Password on my iPod Touch. It appears as though you cannot not change the location of the file on the iPod as I am getting a "Dropbox sync failed to download remote encryption keys." (And yes my MacBook is showing fully synced with Dropbox).

What am I doing wrong?



  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai
    Hi Leimerlk, welcome to the forums!

    Please open 1Password on the iPod touch and go to [i]More [/i]> Settings > Sync > Dropbox > Account and tap Reset to reset the Dropbox. After that, [url=""]set up the Dropbox Sync again[/url].

    I hope that helps, please let me know how it turns out.