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Credit card filling does not work correctly with

mdudziak Junior Member

Yesterday I was trying to send some books from Amazon to a friend. When it came to the shipping address I selected to add a new address. When Amazon then asked for my credit card info (which they do when you attempt to ship to a new address) the 1Password filling of the Credit card failed to enter my name into the field; CC number and expiration were fine, but I had to hand-type my name as it appears on the card.

Hope that helps,



  • Hey Matt,

    Running 1Password 3.8.2.BETA-1 (build 31119), Safari 5.1 & 1P's Safari extension 3.8.1.b1, I was able to Fill my name and credit card info when adding a new credit card to my [url=""][/url] account. In addition, I was able Fill both when testing on the AgileBits Store site.

    If you are still having problems, would you please let us know which versions you are running? I'd like to resolve this problem for you.

