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Double passwords

I bought 1Password for my Mac and one for my iPhone. I setup the SAME password for both. They seemed to have the same database with syncing. Yesterday I setup my browsers (Safari and Firefox) as well. Today, I decided to increase the strength of my password on the desktop version. I changed it on my desktop version. I have confirmed that I log into the desktop version without problems. But then when I went to my Safari and came to a new login page for a webpage. I was prompted to enter my 1Password password, but it only would take the old password from yesterday. Not the new one updated today.

In addition, my iphone only takes yesterday's password and not the new updated password.

How do I get all my 1Passwords to be the same and have the databases be the same?



  • Now my main problem is with Firefox for the Mac, v. 6.

    I fixed my iphone and it sync's with my Mac laptop 1Password database via DropBox.

    I fixed my Safari by uninstalling the extension, closing Safari, reinstalling it.

    But I have been unable to get away from the old password for Firefox. I deleted or uninstalled the extension, closed Firefox, rebooted, and reinstalled the 1Password extension for Firefox, but it still insists on the old password.

    Any other ideas?

  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi lugrunner,

    Welcome to the forums.

    You can resolve this by deleting the OnePassword.sqlite file in ~/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles. Note that this is in a hidden folder so you may have to use Finder's Go > Go to Folder menu and copy and paste in that path in order to get there.
