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Shortcut does not work in Firefox

Helge Junior Member
edited December 1969 in Mac
MAC OS X 10.6.2

Firefox 3.5.5

1Password 3.0.9


Excuse my English for i am from Germany ;)

I chose "F1" as the login-shortcut, which works in any program (Safari) except Firefox. After ressing F1 the menu "Ansicht" in german (probably "View") flashes for a very short moment, but nothing else happens.

If i click-open the menu by mouse before pressing "F1" the highlighted menuitem switches to "Login with 1Password" but still nothing else happen. I would still have to press "Return" to activate the highlightes menuitem.

I've checked, that there are no collision with other key-shorcurts.

I deactivatet every FF-AddOn except Yours. No difference.


  • Helge
    Helge Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    In addition: I tried to change the shortcut to a different Key. No difference.
  • Nik
    edited December 1969
    Welcome to the forums, Helge, and sorry for the trouble. Do you have the same problem if you upgrade to the latest version of Firefox? (3.6)
  • Helge
    Helge Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    Thanx for your reply. I've updated FF but: still no difference :(
  • Nik
    edited December 1969
    Sorry, Helge. David (another AWS team member) tells me that we have received some similar reports from customers with German (and possibly other non-US) keyboards. We will have to investigate this further.
  • Helge
    Helge Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    Thx, i keep in touch.
  • Helge
    Helge Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    Any news?
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    edited December 1969
    [quote name='Helge']Any news?[/QUOTE]

    Hi Helge,

    Unfortunately I haven't heard any update on this issue. I'm assuming you are still having the problem?
  • Helge
    Helge Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    Yes, i still have the exactly same problem.
  • Helge
    Helge Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    Hello Support team,

    i still have this annoying prob'. Everytime i get an 1Passwort or Firefox update i pray that it'll be fixed. But: No change until now.

    Am i the only one?

    Regards from Germany
  • MartyS
    MartyS AgileBits Customer Care (retired)
    edited December 1969
    Firefox has a mind of its own when it comes to keyboard shortcut handling. 1Password sets the request in motion by providing our requested sequence, which you can see in the Firefox View menu. But from that point on we're on the sidelines waiting to be activated. Firefox doesn't like ESCAPE, obviously F1 and likely other sequences as well. It *does* seem to handle our default shortcut: command-\ but I understand that not all keyboards make that an easy sequence to type. You'll need to experiment to see what Firefox will accept, and then decide if you want that as your 1Password fill sequence in the other browsers as well.