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1Pass not working on FF 6, Not Installing

Okay, I am running Snow Leopard, since I've heard there are many bugs with Lion so am not making the switch until there is stability.

At this this time, I just downloaded the latest version of 1Password which is 3.8.2.

1) I am trying to install the browser extension for 6.0 and the button is NOT appearing in my toolbar, so I can't use it.

I had to ask for a new password to enter into this Forum to post this question?

2) Also, another problem is : I have to enter a different password on the browser 1Password and another old password on the software itself when I open it to edit it. This should be in sync right? Well its not working.

I am very disappointed in this and I have not received an explanation on what the little symbols do, on the browser window when it opens up.

I have to use Firefox constantly all day and i need this to work. Its' been this way for over a week now, when are these problems going to get fixed.

In my situation I need:

1 Password to work with Snow Leopard and Firefox 6.0 - like now!!

Thank You


  • I'm having the same problems. I've installed the beta version as instructed and still cannot get 1Password to work with Firefox 6. This is all crazy making and I'm close to dumping the whole program off my computer because I need to depend on it being there when I need it.

    Anybody out there who can help?
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Welcome to the forums, folks! Please be sure to download the Firefox 6 extension as the older extensions do not work in Firefox 6. You can download the extension here:


    Also, as was mentioned above, you can add/remove/move the toolbar button by right-clicking the toolbar in Firefox and selecting "Customize".

    You will also need to be running the latest version (3.8.1 at the time of this writing) of 1Password.


    I hope that helps. Please let me know.