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Two almost identical sites, two different login results

diitto Junior Member
This is a minor point but it's more about me trying to learn about how to get 1Password to do what I want it to do... I have two different credit card sites I visit often... They are both underwritten by the same bank so the two sites are almost identical... I have an individual login in the main 1Password app window for each of the two sites... It's always been my habit to go into the 1Password app, double click on the login itself and that then switches over to Safari, my default browser, opens a new page and goes to the site.... I watch it open, I see my username and password get auto loaded and then an auto "return" gets submitted that then switches to the page with all my account details...

Since the upgrade to Lion, the new Safari and several 1Password updates, now one of those two sites still works exactly as it did... The second comes close but when it puts in my username and password, it then stops, meaning it doesn't submit the auto "return"... As I said, it's a very small point because I just then go ahead and click return myself and I'm in... But I want to learn... So I've looked at both logins by going into Edit. I don't see an obvious difference that would cause one to submit the return and the other to not do so... Point 1...

But point 2 is, what can I do to attempt to "rebuild" the login that doesn't work quite right... Do I have to put that entire login in the trash so 1Password will ask me if I want to save the login the next time I manually go to that site to try to set up a new login??? That used to work just fine for me but with the newer versions of 1Password, I've tossed logins, gone to the site manually and then had 1Password ask me nothing??? Meaning I'm left with no new login at all... And I've never been able to recover a login from the trash (or maybe I've found in the past I have to empty the 1Password trash and then of course it's gone for good???)... I don't recall but again, i'm hesitant to toss a login that almost works...

So what should I do to try to learn about how to rebuild this one credit card's login so it will do all that I want, including auto submitting that final return to get to the account page???

thanks... .bob...


  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi Bob,

    To rebuild the login:

    1. Enter your username and password, but DO NOT submit the form.

    2. Click the 1Password button in your browser's toolbar, and select the "+" button in the upper right hand corner.

    3. Change the title and make any notes (if desired).

    4. Click the Save button in the upper right hand corner.