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Anyone else seen a problem with 1PW and JavaScript performance in Safari?

RobLewis Junior Member
Over at the Macworld forums, a user states that using 1Password slows down Safari's JavaScript execution a lot:

[indent=1]There is a big bug with 1password and Safari 5.1.

Using 1password will slow down your javascript processing by a big amount. To test this, go to sunspider

and run the test, then uninstall 1password and run the test again.

A huge difference in speed.


(See comment #11)

Anybody else noticing this?



  • Just as the title says. I was curious because Safari 5.1 in Lion seemed more sluggish to me compared to Safari 5 in Snow Leopard so I ran the SunSpider benchmark and it seems that when 1Password is enabled, JavaScript performance is much worse.

    I doesn't happen only with 1Password, some other extensions too, AdBlock for example has a similar impact, but 1Password is the one extension I don't really want to give up.

    [url=""]Here[/url] is the result with extensions disabled. [url=""]Here[/url], the result with extensions enabled and 1Password as the only enabled extension. The second result might be misleading though because the test takes much longer to run (several minutes, compared to several seconds with extensions disabled) and the animation that displays what is being tested is [i]very[/i] slow.

    I'm not here to demand anything, I'm just interested in hearing your thoughts about this.
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi folks,

    While I haven't actually seen any noticeable performance issues, I have seen these benchmarks. Last I heard was that Dave is working on improving this.

