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Lion 10.7.1 and 1password locked out of account

IMAC running OSX 10.7.1, Safari Version 5.1 (7534.48.3)

Installed 1password and created one account for my health partners login

Successfully logged into health partners

Went to change password page and had 1password create a hard password

Logged out and back in but 1password generated password not accepted

Tried to manual login using original password no luck

Locked out for too many attempts

Notified web master to reset my password

Afraid to try again, not sure what I am doing wrong

1Password now shows two Health Partner accounts, i.e. the original I created and the hard password one 1password created?

See attached screen shot of accounts


  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi jtpatten,

    1Password generated passwords are available in the main 1Password app under Generated Passwords (just above the trash on the left hand side). Does the password listed there work?

  • Thanks for responding.

    I have already reset the password on the account I was locked out of. I have been waiting to see if someone had any ideas for me.

    Currently the 1password program shows two entries for the account.

    Should I:

    Delete the existing accounts

    Then log into the URL in question

    Then let 1password create a password, (and then a new account)

    And then try it again?

    I may have messed up the original attempt by entering in current account login info before logging onto the url?

    Thanks for any help

  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi Jack

    Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.

    It is not abnormal to see multiple entries for the same site in 1Password. You'll have one for each time you use the password generator on that site, as well as one for each login you save. Unless you have multiple accounts with the same site, you probably only need one login item. It is sometimes useful to have a historical record of what passwords have been generated for what sites.

    If you currently have two login items and one works and the other doesn't, then yes I would certainly recommend deleting the one that doesn't.

    I hope that answers your question.
