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Serious Problems with Creating and Changing Passwords


I have had serious problems both creating and changing passwords with 1Password and am about to give up on the app, but thought I'd ask if you could please clarify the best procedures for these two tasks. I've looked for instructions and video on your site and have come up with nothing. Specifically, when using either the app or the Chrome extension, I have had passwords deleted and not saved, have had multiple logins created some with incorrect passwords, and have had entire accounts deleted. Can you please give me DETAILED instructions about how to change a password to an account. There are accounts saved in my 1Password that I want to generate passwords for, but when I try to change the password doing this, I almost never have success.

As another example, for one account I saved, when I click on it to have it auto login, it fills the number 26 into every field. It also created a second account for this same site using the chrome extension, which was linked to (not the correct site, and one I never go to). What is happening??!!




  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi skyshaper,

    Welcome to the forums! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> I'm sorry to hear you are having trouble getting started, but hopefully we can help.

    First please make sure you are running the latest version of 1Password. We've made a number of improvements over the last couple weeks and they may have addressed issues that you are having.

    I can't really give you "step by step" instructions, as each website does things a little differently. The general idea though, is to go to the website you want to change your password on and login as normal. Find their page to change your password. If necessary, enter your current password. Launch the password generator, generate a password, and click fill. Submit the form and the password will be updated on the website. Once that is completed, you need to update your login item in 1Password (if Chrome did not already prompt you to update it). You can find the password that was generated under the Generated Passwords section of the application (just above the trash) and then edit your existing login item replacing the old password with the new one.

    Could you please post the link to the site you are having trouble with the "26"s with?


  • I'm not sure If this is what skyshaper is experiencing, but I've also had some issues using 1Password and the Chrome extension to update a login password.

    Specifically, what appears to be happening is that passwords generated by the Chrome extension aren't being synced to the Generated Password list in the 1Password application.

    So I go through the change password page of a site (in my case, it was for Apple's Discussion pages:, which use an Apple ID). Then I switch to 1Password to copy the generated password and manually edit the entry for that login. The new password doesn't appear in the Generated Password list.

    Since the Chrome extension only allows me to view a generated password, and doesn't allow me to copy it, I try to log in with the new password. In this case, it failed: I suspect Apple's site and/or Chrome doesn't enable pasting into the password field. And the "fill" option doesn't work.

    In the end, I needed to manually reset the password (using a weaker password that I could remember) and then manually update the entry in the 1Password app.

    Just wanted to add my data point to this discussion. Thanks.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, Max. Apologies for the delay.

    If the data in the extension does not match the data in the application, please try restarting the agent from within the 1Password application ([b]Help > Troubleshooting > Restart Agent[/b]).

    You may need to reinstall the Chrome extension, but restarting the agent should resolve the issue.

    Please let me know how it goes.

  • Thanks for the replies. I appreciate the help. I have updated to the latest version, and that seems to have reduced the issue quite a bit. One thing--I don't have a "generated password" area in the side bar. I noticed that my boyfriend, who has Lion does have this option, but I'm still using Snow Leopard. Do I need to add it somehow, or is it only a feature on Lion? If I don't have that section, what process do you recommend? One issue is that you can generate the password in the Chrome extension, but then it sometimes doesn't save properly. I end up manually copying it and entering it in the app. Is this the best protocol? Thanks!