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Display jpg attachments as actual pictures within 1Password rather than generic jpg icons

I've attached a jpg photo of banking codes to my bank account in 1Password. I need to view these codes often when using online banking as doing an online transfer requires me to look up a specific code (this is a security feature that my bank uses).

Now, it would be great if that jpg photo attachment in 1Password was displayed as an actual photo so that I could just log into 1Password, find my bank account and see at a glance the photo of my banking codes.

Instead, I have to always open the jpg from 1Password with Preview in order to actually see the photo as 1Password only displays a generic jpeg icon and the filename of the jpg but not the photo itself.

Is there any way I can get 1Password to display the actual photo?


  • At the moment it isn't possible to view the images directly within 1Password, however we have had some requests for this functionality and it's certainly something we can look into for an update to 1Password.

    Thanks for the feedback on this, it's good to gauge how many people would like to see a certain feature within 1Password's future.