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using 1password V3 on one computer with multiple useraccounts

I am a new user of 1password and it seems a very valuable program. I have a question about using it on a iMac. I searched the forum and various tutorials but can't find the answer, so trying it here again.

I have installed 1 password on one iMac. This iMac contains two different users: admin and user1. I installed 1password being admin. Installed browser plugins etc. I noticed that user1 is still without 1password and browsers started by user1 don't have the plugins installed.

What if i want to access my Facebook page, or whatever password protected page, both from admin and user1 account? How does 1password handles multiple user accounts on one computer? I can't find anything about tis in the user guide nor in forum.

Please, who can help me with this?


  • Hi Mosgroen,

    Sorry for the trouble here, in general 1Password is setup on a per-user basis and this is more so the case as the new browser extensions are loaded into your user account's Library folder rather than the system wide Library, this is a requirement of the new frameworks we're using.

    To get User1 setup with the browser extensions just go to 1Password > Install Browser extensions from within 1Password itself. That said this may not actually help as User1 won't have the same 1Password data as your Admin account, since that data is stored in the Admin's home folder.

    The easiest, and supported, way to share your data between multiple users is to use the free Dropbox service to sync your 1Password data as we detail [url=""]in our user guide[/url], the difference here is that you'd follow the steps on each user account rather than different computers.

    I hope that helps,